The issue of sharing Patient Health Information both internally as well as externally in emerging healthcare organiztions has been and continues to be problematic. Having the ability quickly share PHI with internal providers and external provider organizations while maintaining HIPAA compliance is a necessity. Meeting the demands of the new healthcare marketplace where patients expect techology to enable their providers immediate information exchange to expiditiously assist in their healthcare needs is a priority.
Regional healthcare communities consisting of Physician Practices, ACO’s, PPS’s, Behavioral Health Providers as well as Home Cargiver organizations all need to communicate within the rules of HIPAA within a system that is capable of speaking to multiple other systems. TBS has just such a solution that is capable of sitting on top of all other systems currently in use within an organization as well as the ability to communicate with other provider and payer systems in their heathcare community. For organizations that are expanding and having connectivity issues as well as a solution to maange all of the data of the combined entiies usually found in growing healthcare organizations the TBS platform includes Business Process Management and Business Process Improvement capabilities as well.
To find out more about how TBS can assist your healthcare organization with any or all of the issues mentioned above, please contact us through the form below to first recieve a detailed PPT presentation on the systems capabilities. We will then followup once you have had the chance to review this information and better understand how it would help your organization.
Please fill out the form below and we will send you a copy of our 37 page detailed HIPAA Compliant Integration Solution. If you would like to discuss this further please contact us by setting a time to speak with one of our consultants through the scheduling system to the right. If you would also like to speak directly to one of our consultants for further details on this solution then simply schedule a time to speak with one of our consultants by selecting date and time with the appointment setting system on the right side of this page.⇒
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