Please fill out the form below and we will provide you with a detailed presentation of our Payment Integrity Audit which includes the recovery of  underpaid claims as well as many additional benefits. The presentation explains what the process is and why we are so successful recovering funds from underpaid claims along with improving many  processes of the revenue cycle. If you would rather speak directly to one of our consultants for further details on this service then simply schedule a time to speak with one of our consultants by selecting date and time with the appointment setting system on the right side of this page.⇒

“Our approach is to perform a 360 degree retrospective review of the claims from a Billing, Coding & Reimbursement perspective (including inappropriate denials, missing follow-ups or non payments, contractual updates and payment variances) in an effort to collect every dollar then identified as an underpayment.”

360 degree

The presentation will come complete with an estimated recovery of funds which will be based on information available to us from your organizations income statements posted on either the American Hospital Directory or Guidestar as well as knowledge gained from past client experiences. Once you submit the form below we normally are able to complete our due diligence within 5-7 days and provide the written presentation in a PDF format which we will send out via email.

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