TBS Evaluation Solution Assists ACOs in the Move to Value Based Care!

How Well Prepared is Your Organization for the Move to Value Based Care?

TBS Healthcare can provide ACOs with an external expert evaluation of how well prepared they are for value based purchasing and care delivery. The output of this evaluation is a comprehensive report providing deep insight regarding the technological, infrastructural, and human resource development areas which require specific types and degrees of improvement for an ACO to be clinically and financially successful in a value-based environment.

Our Deployment Process

This is how TBS Specialists conduct the evaluation:

  • TBS conducts Onsite Interviews of Key Personnel who have the Most Extensive Knowledge, Experience and Direct Accountability for Results in the various areas essential for the ACO’s success
  • Prior to (or Simultaneously with or Immediately After) the Onsite Interviews, Evaluators will Request, Obtain and Review Documents and Evaluate Systems and Technologies which may Cross Validate the Responses of the Interviewees Concerning What the ACO has Done (or Plans to Do) to prepare for Value Based Care, and how successful they have been and are likely to be.

Evaluation of the Results:

TBS will provide a customized report evaluating how well prepared in all the key areas an ACO is to be clinically and financially successful in a value-based environment.  We will specifically highlight those gaps that most need to be filled to achieve sustainable success, including guidance on how to do so most cost effectively.

To find out more, please contact us via email at

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